In this page we post information concerning conferences and lectures on the Alexandrian library that we have given all around the world:
- March 13, 2007, Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità: Conference by Monica Berti on Istro il Callimacheo e la biblioteca di Alessandria (handout of the conference).
- October 10, 2007, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA: Seminar on The World’s Greatest Libraries: from Ancient Alexandria to the 21st Century. Lecture by Monica Berti & Virgilio Costa on Alexandria and the Mirage of a Million Book Library (handout of the conference).
- March 13, 2009, VISCenter, University of Kentucky: International Symposium on the Scaife Digital Library. Lecture by Monica Berti & Virgilio Costa on The Ancient Library at Alexandria (ALA Project).
The paper of this lecture is going to be published in Orbis Terrarum: Essays in Scholarship and Technology. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Scaife Digital Library. Lexington, Kentucky, March 13, 2009, Council on Libraries and Information Resources, Washington DC (preview of the paper available on the Perseus website).
- May 14, 2010, Università del Piemonte Orientale «A. Avogadro», Vercelli: conference by Monica Berti & Virgilio Costa on La Biblioteca di Alessandria (conference slides).
- May 14, 2010, Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino: presentation of the book La Biblioteca di Alessandria. Storia di un paradiso perduto (ed. Tored 2010), edited by Monica Berti & Virgilio Costa (7 pm, Spazio Autori B).