On Alexandria in Antiquity
Ballet, Pascale, La vie quotidienne à Alexandrie (331‑30 av. J.‑C.), Paris 1999.
Breccia, Evaristo, Alexandrea ad Aegyptum. Guide de la ville ancienne et moderne et du musée gréco-romain, Bergamo 1914.
Forster, Edward M., Alexandria. A History and a Guide, Gloucester (MA) 1968.
Fraser, Peter M., Ptolemaic Alexandria, I: Text; II: Notes; III: Indexes, Oxford 1972.
Haas, Christopher, Alexandria in Late Antiquity. Topography and Social Conflict, Baltimore – London 1997.
Harris, William V. – Ruffini, Giovanni (eds.), Ancient Alexandria between Egypt and Greece (“Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition”, 26), Leiden – Boston 2004.
Hirst, Anthony – Silk, Michael (eds.), Alexandria, real and imagined, London 2004.
Lumbroso, Giacomo, Cenni sull’antica Alessandria tratti dal Pseudo-Callistene, Roma 1875.
Lumbroso, Giacomo, Descrittori italiani dell’Egitto e di Alessandria, Roma 1879.
Lumbroso, Giacomo, Ritocchi ed aggiunte ai Descrittori italiani dell’Egitto e di Alessandria, Roma 1892.
McKenzie, Judith S. – Gibson, Sheila – Reyes, A.T., Reconstructing the Serapeum in Alexandria from the Archaeological Evidence, in «The Journal of Roman Studies» 94, 2004, pp. 73‑121.
Pollard, Justin – Reid, Howard, The Rise and Fall of Alexandria, Birthplace of the Modern World, London 2006.
Sharpe, Samuel, Alexandrian Chronology. From the Building of the City till its Conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640, London 1857.
Takács, Sarolta A., Alexandria in Rome, in «Harvard Studies in Classical Philology» 97, 1995, pp. 263‑276.
On the Museum, the Great Library, and the Alexandrian Scholarship
Bagnall, Roger S., Alexandria: Library of Dreams, in «Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society» 146.4, 2002, pp. 348‑362.
Blum, Rudolf, Kallimachos. The Alexandrian Library and the Origins of Bibliography, Madison (WI) 1991 [transl. of Kallimachos und die Literaturverzeichnung bei den Griechen. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Biobibliographie, Frankfurt a.M. 1977].
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Canfora, Luciano, La biblioteca e il Museo, in G. Cambiano – L. Canfora – D. Lanza (curr.), Lo spazio letterario della Grecia antica, I: La produzione e la circolazione del testo, 2: L’Ellenismo, Roma 1993, pp. 11‑29.
Collins, Nina L., The Library in Alexandria and the Bible in Greek (“Supplements to Vetus Testamentum”, 82), Leiden – Boston – Köln 2000.
Delia, Diana, From Romance to Rhetoric: The Alexandrian Library in Classical and Islamic Traditions, in «The American Historical Review» 97.5, 1992, pp. 1449‑1467.
El-Abbadi, Mostafa – Fathallah, Omnia (eds.), What Happened to the Ancient Library of Alexandria?, Leiden – Boston 2008.
El-Abbadi, Mostafa, The Life and Fate of the Ancient Library of Alexandria, Paris 1990.
Erskine, Andrew, Culture and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Museum and Library of Alexandria, in «Greece & Rome» s. II, 42.1, 1995, pp. 38‑48.
Flower, Derek Adie, The Shores of Wisdom. The Story of the Ancient Library of Alexandria, Philadelphia (?) 1999.
Furlani, Giuseppe, Sull’incendio della biblioteca d’Alessandria, in «Aegyptus» 5:3, 1924, pp. 205‑212.
Gronovius, Johannes Fredericus, De Museo Alexandrino exercitatione academicae, in Jac. Gronovius, Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquitatum, VIII, Venetiis 1735, coll. 2741‑2764.
Heller-Roazen, Daniel, Tradition’s Destruction: on the Library of Alexandria, in «October» 100, 2002, pp. 133‑153.
Jacob, Christian – François de Poulignac (eds.), Alexandrie IIIe siècle av. J.‑C. Tous les savoirs du monde ou le rêve d’universalité des Ptolémées, Paris 1992.
Jochum, Uwe, The Alexandrian Library and its Aftermath, in «Library History» 15, 1999, pp. 5‑12.
Joseph, Isya, Bar Hebraeus and the Alexandrian Library, in «The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures» 27.4, 1911, pp. 335‑338.
Kingsley, Charles, Alexandria and her Schools. Four Lectures delivered at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh, Cambridge 1854.
Klippel, Georg Heinrich, Ueber das Alexandrinische Museum, Göttingen 1838.
Lewis, Naphtali, The non-Scholar Members of the Alexandrian Museum, in «Mnemosyne» s. IV, 16.3, 1963, pp. 257‑261.
MacLeod, Roy (ed.), The Library of Alexandria, Centre of Learning in the Ancient World, London – New York 2000.
Matter, Jacques, Histoire de l’école d’Alexandrie comparée aux principales écoles contemporaines, 1: Topographie. Musées. Bibliothèques. Syssities. Didascalées. Plan d’Alexandrie ancienne et moderne, Paris 18402; 2: Médecine. Histoire naturelle. Physique. Mathématiques. Astronomie. Chronologie. Géographie. Histoire, Paris 18442; 3: Philologie. Critique. Littérature. Sciences morales et politiques. Religion et Philosophie, Paris 18482.
Neocorus, Ludolphus, De Museo Alexandrino diatribe, in Jac. Gronovius, Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquitatum, VIII, Venetiis 1735, coll. 2767‑2778.
Parsons, Edward Alexander, The Alexandrian Library, Glory of the Hellenic World. Its Rise, Antiquities, and Destructions, New York 1952.
Parthey, Gustav, Das Alexandrinische Museum, Berlin 1838.
Pfeiffer, Rudolf, History of Classical Scholarship from the Beginnings to the End of the Hellenistic Age, Oxford 1968, pp. 87-233.
Sandys, John Edwin, A History of Classical Scholarship, I: From the Sixth Century B.C. to the End of the Middle Ages, Cambridge 1921, pp. 105-145.
Thiem, Jon, The Great Library of Alexandria burnt: towards the History of a Symbol, in «Journal of the History of Ideas» 40.4, 1979, pp. 507‑526.
Young Lee, Paula, The Musaeum of Alexandria and the Formation of the Muséum in Eighteenth-Century France, in «The Art Bulletin» 79.3, 1997, pp. 385‑412.
On ancient Libraries and ancient Books
Blanck, Horst, Das Buch in der Antike, München 1992.
Canfora, Luciano, Le biblioteche ellenistiche, in G. Cavallo (cur.), Le biblioteche nel mondo antico e medievale, Bari 1988, pp. 5‑28.
Canfora, Luciano, (a cura di), Libri e biblioteche, Palermo 2002.
Casson, Lionel, Libraries in the Ancient World, New Haven – London 2001, pp. 31‑47.
Polastron, Lucien X., Books on Fire. The Destruction of Libraries throughout History, Rochester (VT) 2007, pp. 10‑23.